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1 Randall Gross  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 3:42:10pm

Stop attacking religion? Excuse me but I am laughing my ass off here. You have swallowed every Fox “False victimhood” piece of agitprop in the book. There’s so much crap and culture wars populist tripe in this post that I’m not even going to bother trying to debunk it since everyone can see it plain as day.

2 Photios  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 3:57:54pm


You make his point perfectly. Don’t bother trying to understand those that think differently from you. It is sufficient to simply insult and marginalize them.


3 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 4:03:32pm

re: #2 Photios


You make his point perfectly. Don’t bother trying to understand those that think differently from you. It is sufficient to simply insult and marginalize them.


I’m trying to figure out where this is cut and pasted from. Obviously there’s more because it’s cut off in mid word. Do you recognize it?

4 Randall Gross  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 4:35:54pm

re: #2 Photios

No, I understand the stupid more completely than you ever will . I crawl the kookosphere sewers to find where this garbage comes from almost daily. I crawl them on the left and the right, and I know TP bullshit when I see it. Bigotry is as bigotry does just to keep it simple for you. In making his point Steve has linked to wingnut site that calls a hispanic woman a “broodmare” because she has ten children. He links to an article about a black father who has 29 children. What do you think that’s about? Why not link to the many childrened white Christian Homeschoolers instead? Why is he worried about Ethnic children and “attacks on religion” instead of the Quiverfull movement?

5 Photios  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 4:45:18pm

re: #3 wrenchwench

No, I don’t recognize it.

re: #4 Thanos

No, I understand the stupid more completely than you ever will .

Bigotry is as bigotry does just to keep it simple for you.


A simple, stupid conservative

6 Randall Gross  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 4:46:24pm

re: #3 wrenchwench

I’m trying to figure out where this is cut and pasted from. Obviously there’s more because it’s cut off in mid word. Do you recognize it?

I don’t think it’s a cut n’ paste, it’s a long diatribe assembled from tepid populist talking points, Steve’s offended because PZ Meyers did something a long while back that offended his belief in his God he thinks his religion is under attack. In every point he makes Steve is pointing to glaring exceptions and making them the rule, it’s a collected populist fauxtrage report. “My religion is under attack!” is the same rationalization extremist wahabbist terror orgs use for their anger, it’s not something we need to understand to combat.

His othodox friend is just here to support him in his fauxtrage.

7 Randall Gross  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 4:47:15pm

re: #5 Photios
You said it, not I. Wear it proud .

8 Steve Dutch  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 4:53:05pm

Oh noes! I brokeded the Intartoobs!

That cutoff is what happens when you hit “submit” on the preview screen by mistake instead of “close.” Not cut and pasted from anywhere, Wrenchwench.

That final sentence should read. “Stop pretending that criminals and people who behave irresponsibly are victims. Require recipients of aid to behave socially responsibly: keep their kids in school, avoid drugs, and so on.”

Thanos, you personify the is/ought fallacy in action. Nobody cares if YOU reject these ideas. This is what motivates the Right, and your irrelevant criticisms won’t change that. Go on rationalizing why they’re wrong instead of actually wondering if the Left may not be doing stupid things of their own to exacerbate matters. Then register shock if they win in November. I would like nothing better than to see the TP crash and burn, but you are not helping a bit.

9 Randall Gross  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 4:59:33pm

re: #8 SteveDutch

I am the right you nutball. I’ve voted for every Republican president from Nixon forward. I won’t be surprised when the right gains some seats, they are due to. They will win fewer than they should because they’ve chased moderates like me out of the party. I understand the anger better than you do, living in the bible belt as I do - Westboro Baptist and Operation Rescue along with Branson are all just a short drive away - the anger doesn’t need to be understood, it doesn’t need to be paid attention to, it will never grow to more than a small part of the party and country, and by 2014 it will have evaporated. Because Bile, Bigotry, and Birtherism just is not America.


10 Photios  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 5:03:25pm

re: #7 Thanos

You just keep thinking that way. I am perfectly fine with it.

I would love to hang around a little while more, but I have a brewer’s club meeting to attend.


11 Randall Gross  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 5:03:57pm

Now let’s cut to the chase here Steve — why did you link to articles about minority parents with large amounts of children? (and why did you link to a blog calling a hispanic woman a “broodmare?) Why not the white FLDS ones? Why not the Quiverfull people?

12 jaunte  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 5:17:35pm

re: #11 Thanos

Just in case any readers don’t know what the Quiverfull movement is:

Cheryl Lindsey Seelhoff, a former Quiverfull writer who left the movement, says that the lifestyle is frequently one of unrelenting duty and labor that leaves women little recourse if the demands of their lives prove too much to bear. “The Quiverfull movement holds up as examples men like the Duggars … all men of means. But for every family like this, there are ten or fifty or one hundred Quiverfull families living in what most would consider to be poverty … Mothers are in a constant cycle, often, of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the care of toddlers.” Women are expected to feed and care for a large family on what are frequently limited resources, and the strain leads some to suffer clinical levels of exhaustion and self-neglect. The work that mothers can’t manage usually falls to their eldest daughters, who learn early that their role in life is domestic, as helpmeets to their parents and later their husbands, and as mothers to many children.
13 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 5:57:36pm

Man, I hate being shouted at.

I’ve heard all this stuff before. It is simply the random ramblings of an anger addict. It’s based on the false premise that the author knows The Truth!

No one this side of Heaven knows the truth. And personally, I’d rather be good than right.

14 Randall Gross  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 6:13:58pm

re: #13 Romantic Heretic

Yep, this is more why Steve’s mad than anything else, bile bingeing…

15 Jeff In Ohio  Sat, Sep 11, 2010 6:38:50pm

Yep. I’m scared.

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